Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Third time's the charm

Today is the 3rd day in a row that Anne has said she had to go pee pee and when we sat her on the potty she went! Wow! Still, taking it very very slow with little pressure on both of us. The most frustrating thing so far is that it takes Anne about 20 minutes to go potty once she gets on it. And I have to sit next to her the whole time trying to entertain her while simotaneously reminding her she can't go pee pee on the potty if she keeps standing up, she can't put Ducky in the potty while she's trying to go and just because I mention some object doesn't mean she has to immediately get up and go get it. She is soooo motivated by candy as her reward though. (She calls it "nandy".) Several times she commented that she was all done before going pee pee, which I was fine with and I reminded her she couldn't have candy until she went pee pee and she sat back down to try and go. When she actually went today, she was so cute...she suddenly went perfectly still, wrinkled up her brow, and gave me a worried look. I thought she might be going at that moment but she had actually gone a few seconds before. That's my girl! Keep it up kiddo!

1 comment:

Farrah said...

That's awesome April!! No more diapers in '08!! :) That would be nice. To get Anne fully potty-trained before baby #2. We have started introducing Lucs to the potty but nothing formal yet. He sits on it occasionally, like before bath or before putting PJs on, but hasn't ever gone in it. We just aren't there yet. Soon hopefully. Everytime I change a nasty pooppy diaper, I wish we were a little closer to potty-training! :)