Sunday, October 28, 2007

Weight control

Today as we were ending our morning walk (just me and Winnie) she stopped to eat something off the ground. I thought it was just wood chips-mulch-from around the trees in our front yard. I told her to drop it then decided (foolishly) to pull the chips out of her mouth since it didn't seem like she could "spit" them out. As I put my finger in her mouth to pull them out, I had the horrible, horrible, horrible experience of also pulling out dog poo!!! Oh my gosh! I seriously almost threw up on several occasions! I cannot believe that Winnie, who is not alone in this, ate friggin dog poo!! How sick! What is is about dogs that makes them want to eat their own, and anyone else's, eh hem, crap? So disgusting!

1 comment:

Shellie said...

Yuck! Yes that is disgusting! Some of my dogs did that too as puppies! I'm always amazed that no matter how much beauty there is in nature there is always the gross stuff too. At least most puppies outgrow eating poop (I want to gag just writing those words) by the time they are full grown dogs. I hope Winnie gives up that behavior!