Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Stats on #2

Jamie had his 2 month appointment yesterday and it couldn't have gone better. After rolling the idea of a new doctor around for the past 2 years and interviewing 3 in that time, John and I decided to stay with Homefirst for a variety of reasons. The main reason we were considering leaving was, what I considered to be poor bedside manner. Even though the practice's philosophies are far from traditional medicine, appointments and time with the doctor tends to be on par with every other doctor's office I've been to. This bothered me. Certainly after coming to your office 12x in 2 years, you should remember who I am. Or at least take the 2 extra minutes to glance at my chart and pretend you do. Anyway, John and I decided to suck it up (for lack of a better word) and deal with it. Yesterday was such a great surprise. The doctor, whom I have seen probably 3-5x since Anne's been born, of course, did not remember us. He didn't even know for sure if we'd ever been to the practice. (To his credit it was Jamie's first appointment and he didn't have Anne's file with him.) But after that bit of awkwardness "No, actually not only has my daughter come here for all her well child check ups, we actually birthed with you...", it was smooth sailing The doctor was super personable and friendly. I think the fact that my son's name is James and he has a son named James sealed the deal for him. Not only was the doctor friendly but he was very very supportive and complimented me often on how well Jamie was doing. Jame is now 11lbs 2oz. Yep, my boy has gained over 2lbs in one month on mama's milk alone. I feel pretty proud about that. He is also 24 inches, an inch and a quarter more than last month. The doctor was absolutely thrilled with his growth. He assured me he did not think supplementing Jamie would ever be necessary, in fact he told me to not change a thing because whatever I am doing is working. He also commented on how strong Jamie was and said he thought Jamie would achieve his gross motor milestones sooner than average (and he wasn't a bit surprised to hear Jamie's already rolled over a few times). And when he told me "He's great...he's...perfect!" right before he left, I am positive that he hasn't seen a baby as perfect as Jamie in all his medical practice. (Mind you, being Jamie's mother is in no way influencing my objectivity.) So all in all, it was a great visit.

Jamie, of course, has learned to read and since my last post on what a great sleeper he is, has decided to give me a run for my money and hasn't been napping so great the past 2 days...since he's been pretty good his entire life I figure I can cut him some slack just this once...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How was Anne's birthday????