Monday, April 27, 2009

2 months old!

Today Jamie is 2 months old! I cannot believe how quickly time has gone by. It does not at all seem like he should be 2 months old. How sad for me that he is leaving behind his newborn days and stands at the threshold of being a baby. He is still standing in both worlds-newborn and baby-but is quickly moving towards being a full blown baby. I love everything that he is doing and I could sit and watch him all day if time allowed. He is strong little guy-he has rolled over a few times already (which he isn't supposed to do for another 2 months or so!) and can push himself up to almost a 90 degree angle (again, not supposed to do that for another 2 months). He has started smiling the past 2 weeks. He is still hesitant at it but after a few seconds of lavishing smiles on him, he gives one back to us. He has started making the most lovely and adorable baby noises and this week found his hand. He hasn't started to stare at it, but he now can put it in his mouth and suck on it, which I, of course, find adorable. He is actually an easy baby, in some respects quite easier than Anne. He does need more attention and holding than she did, but now we know what he needs better than we did a few weeks ago. Usually if he's fussy it means he's sleepy. Jamie is a fantastic sleeper-he takes 3-4 naps, probably napping about 6 hours a day. He also sleeps amazing at night-he's down for just about 12 hours each night, only waking up 2x a night. Amazing. We are very blessed that we have struck gold twice now with fantastic sleepers. Jamie is still an avid nurser, although I think we are coming to realize it's not me he loves, it's the milk. He got 2 bottles the past week due to me being out and about, and he gulped them down without a second thought. Great loyalty kid. This week when he had his bottles, he drank 6oz, which seems like so much, but I feel like that's what he's been getting from me. Lots of milk this little guy consumes. Good thing I'm breastfeeding or he'd be eating us out of house and home. Tomorrow is his 2 month check up, but I think he is over 11lbs already-which means if you go from his lowest weight after birth (when he lost weight as all newborns do), he has gained nearly 4lbs in 2 months. I'm sure he is still very long, but I don't know how long yet. I commented to John yesterday that it seems he has grown in length the past few days.

So here is my little baby boy, at 2 months old:

And giving us one of his first smiles for the camera. So cute!


jogomu said...


Erica said...

Awwwww! I absolutely LOVE seeing Jamie's first smiles!! And what an adorable smile it is :). Keep em coming!