Friday, March 06, 2009

Day One

Today was my first day home with both kids, on my own and I do have to say (while knocking on wood and looking for storm clouds on the horizon) that it went AMAZING! Jamie took 2 official naps, lasting nearly 2 hours each. The first one, I put Anne in front of a video and got some incredible, much needed housework done. Then he timed his second nap with Anne's again sleeping nearly 2 hours. I was able to get a bit more work done as well as veg in front of the TV. Who says having 2 kids is hard?? (That's a joke-remember I'm checking the weather...get it the calm before the storm...anyway....). During the times he was awake he...what else, he's a newborn and a guy...nursed. He nursed a bunch...there was one point he fed 3x in 2 hours. Then there was another time he fed 2x in 2 hours and tonight right when John came home he fed 2x in one hour. Phew! But, I'm so thrilled my little guy is eating and thriving and nursing isn't a worry at all. What a change from Anne's newborn days. In addition to getting 2 amazing breaks from the kids and nursing him practically non stop when he was awake, Anne and I got to read books, clean her room together and we even went to the park and on a walk for an hour. Simply amazing I tell you. Again, I'm sure-okay, not sure completely positive-that this can and will get harder. But for now, I'm going to bask in the wonderfulness of Day One.

Jamie-One week old today


Nicole said...

So glad that it went well!

Erica said...

Wow, that's amazing! Sign me up to be officially jealous :P. What's your secret?!?!