Thursday, July 03, 2008

Whoops ~or~ Good Job!

I am proud of myself today. Normally when I have left over ingredients I either let them go to waste or wonder for a week what I'm going to do with them, maybe nibbling on it if appropriate. For example, if I buy a 3 pack of peppers for a recipe that requires one pepper, I might snack on the remaining peppers during the week or at the last minute try and throw them into some recipe. Well, this week I had leftover bananas and feeling inspired by people who actually will make 2 or 3 recipes that require those exampled 3 peppers, I decided I would use the bananas in a recipe instead of what I normally do with them. As the title says Good Job! I decided to be even more creative than banana bread or banana muffins and made banana oatmeal cookies from my Extending the Table cookbook. They turned out great and there really wasn't anything bad in them at all. All in all a "healthy" dessert.

Now comes in the whoops part. I quickly calculated how many calories were in each cookie (no information was given in the book) and figured they were pretty low cal as the most calories anything had was the butter. Figuring they were low cal, I decided to have 4 (yes 4) for a snack. Of course, after I ate them I decided I would figure out exactly how many calories were in each cookie. Much to my surprise, flour and oatmeal have a lot more calories than one would ever expect. Turns out the cookies have about double the calories I thought they had, thus I ate about 400 calories for my snack, which is about double what I would normally "allow". Whoops! Guess that's what working out is for, huh?

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