Monday, July 07, 2008

Making some progress

Today I got 2 books from the library on vegetarianism. One is called Harvest for Hope written by Jane Goodall (sometimes called the "Chimpanzee Lady"). It is probably more in the style of "Fast food nation" or "Skinny Bitch". I've read the first chapter and it seems to be about how food is grown, what our ancestors ate, how animals are treated during processing and finally in the final chapters what we can do about it personally. My goal is to actually read the entire book, but we'll see. I tend not to be too big of a non fiction fan. Since I can potentially have the book for 4 weeks, my goal is to just read about 10 pages a day so I can actually get through it. We'll see. Hopefully it's a good book and can affirm some of what I am leaning towards already.

The second book I got is Fresh from the Vegetarian Slow Cooker. It has over 200 recipes that are vegetarian. I haven't looked through it yet, but we'll see. I also have 4 more books on hold at the library. 2 or 3 are what I would consider uber healthy cookbooks. Again hopefully I'll like these and will purchase some of them and make them beloved dog-eared copies like "Simply in Season" and "Extending the Table" are quickly becoming. Who knows, if this thing works out, maybe I'll have to get rid of some of my not so healthy cookbooks. (Somehow I think no matter how you look at it, "Hershy's best desserts ever" is probably never going to become health food.)


Anonymous said...

instead of writing a comment the length of a post here, I'll go ahead and write up that cookbook review I've been meaning to get to on my site. Look for it by the end of the day!


Anonymous said...

I just finished a book on going green and getting rich, they said the web site was supposed to have some good vegetarian recipes in it. Haven't looked at it yet, but thought I would pass it along!