Friday, March 07, 2008

They saw us coming...

I would like to shake the hand of the brainyack who invented the crib tent. Who was it that invented it and thereby set the standard of what it would cost? Can someone please explain to me why netting, zippers and a few plastic rods cost seventy dollars?? Yeah, seventy! You know what you can buy with that? Groceries for a week, half a month of electricity, 2 dinners out, clothes for an entire season at a resale, or, ironic, a BRAND NEW CAMPING TENT!! Surely a brand new camping tent is actually worth 70 dollars. After all, it has steel rods, waterproof canvas, stakes, ropes, etc. You can actually LIVE in it if you wanted! A crib tent on the other hand, I'm sure, cost maybe (I think I'm being generous here) $3 to produce. And yet someone thought "Hehe, I see them coming...they'll pay whatever it costs for this. How about we charge 25x what this is worth and make a fortune..." I hope you're enjoying living in the lap of luxury Mr. Ripoff I'll-invent-a-tent-and-charge-whatever-I-want-
because-they-can't-do-anything-about-it Tent Maker. Yeah, you enjoy your fortunes while thousands of parents are having to choose between groceries for a week or keeping their kid in their crib with your tent.

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