Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Uh Oh!

We went to our friend's house for the game on Sunday. They just had a little baby girl 3 weeks ago. Of course I oohed and ahhed over the baby and held her and cuddled her and really it didn't mean a whole lot to me. She was cute and all, but she didn't tug my heartstrings. Then...Anne got an owwie while I was holding the new baby. She came over and sat on my lap to get a feel better cuddle. So there I was with a newborn in one arm and a toddler in the other...and you know what??? It felt GOOD...I mean really good. I mean really, really really good and right...gulp...


Heather said...

Ha ha ha!!!!!

Heather said...

I mean that in a good way. ;-)
Very cute.