Friday, February 01, 2008

21 Month Update

Well, my sweetie is now 21 months old. Yup, 3 months away from being 2 years old. Far far away from baby...definitely a toddler...close to being a kid...sigh...

I don't have the height and weight stats for her yet, but I know she's grown a LOT recently. Kids are supposed to gain an average of 6 lbs between age 1 and 2. I'm pretty positive Anne's gained 5 or 6 lbs so far and she still has 3 months to go! She's also outgrowing her 18 month clothes already and starting to fit into size 24 months. I got her some size 5 shoes recently because she outgrew her size 4s. I think I'm going to have to get size 6s soon! We go to the doctor for shots and a check up in 2 weeks. I'm NOT looking forward to shots at all! This will be the first visit where she is actually old enough to get what's going on. Last visit she was 18 months old and still pretty baby like. Now she's for sure a toddler. But anyway, here's what Anne's been up to.

I think the most amazing thing is her language and her learning. She started combining words and speaking in very short, incomplete sentences the past few months. It's amazing to me what she's able to pick up. A lot of what she says revolves around Winnie. The other day, Winnie was licking the bathtub that Anne was taking a bath in. Without prompting, Anne told her "No Winwee! Go yay dow!" (Go lay down) Yesterday I Winnie did something again that was naughty and I told her she was a bad dog. Today Winnie did something that she wasn't supposed to again (seeing a pattern?) and I told Anne that Winnie was being naughty. Anne said "Ba Dawg!" Wow! Most of Anne's talking revolves around commenting on things she sees or does. (pointing to the light-pronounced "Yight", or telling me she put "Duddy dow", etc.) She still doesn't do a lot of telling me what she's thinking or wanting to do. I know that will come. Anne is pretty unbelievable in terms of her self control. The very first time we did a time out-mind you she had never even heard of one before-she sat there completely still (crying) and made no attempt to get up. Now it's even gotten to the point that I can simply tell her she needs to take a time out, and she goes over to the step and sits down completely on her own, never trying-even once-to get up. She also says "help" about 50% of the time before she starts whining or crying. Tell me, what other 21 month old can do that? Amazing.

Anne loves to have her whole family together. She loves taking all of us by the hand, leading us to the couch and having all of us line up and sit together on the couch. She usually remembers to mention everyone in the family, mommy, daddy, Winnie and Kitty, when talking about who she loves, or when singing a song with names in it.

Another big thing has been her ability to play with me. This has really improved. We've had several sessions where we have sat and played with a single toy for about 10-20 minutes. Huge improvement over the, no exaggeration, 10-20 seconds she used to be able to play with a toy. Obviously I'm thrilled about this because it means I can connect with my daughter in a way I really never have been able to before. Thankfully too, I've been able to concentrate on her most of the times that her attention span has been there too. I am SO an older kid mom! I love babies, I love how "easy" they can be compared to toddlers (let's face it, you can leave your 1 week old on the bed and walk away-you can't leave Anne there for one second and walk away), I love cuddling babies and nursing my own. But, I love being with Anne so much more now than I did last year at this time. I am so excited to be able to do more fun things with her this year.

Here is her 21 month picture on the rocking chair. We'll update again when my little one turns 2!


Nicole said...

I can't believe that she'll be two in a few short months!

Anonymous said...

What a big girl!!! Wow!!!