Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Gray Days

I've been so down the past week. I'm not sure why. Anne is cutting teeth (4 at once!) and is incredibly clingy. Even if John tries to take her away to play, she clings like a little monkey, screaming and crying to not be let go. When/If he finally succeeds in getting her away from me, from the other room, I can hear her play mixed with crying and calls for "mommy"! She won't nap or go down easily at all. Again, if John tries to put her down to sleep, she stands up crying with all that is within her, pathetically calling for me as though her life is in danger. Obviously this has been trying, especially for me, who loves Anne with my entire being yet I am also very honest and public about the fact that I need hefty time away from my most precious daughter.

I've also just been down in attitude. Letting my attitude make choices for me which I later regret, which make my sadness more pronounced which then cause me to make more poor choices. Nothing life changing, just tiny little things like watching TV instead of cleaning, which makes me feel better. Or checking email instead of playing with Anne which makes me guilty. Little things that are adding up quickly.

Part of this might be the weather. I feel an intense need to take the dog on a long scenic walk. To feel the fresh air, breathe in deeply and let my soul connect with my Creator, in the space He has made. I think the past week or so of practically subzero temperatures has really done me in.

I have hope though. My down mood has lasted almost a week, and my motto is that almost all things are resolved in a week. Any sickness, any scrape or cut, any new phase or development Anne is going through...whether or not this is true, it always gives me hope. I can hold on for a week...I can last out a week of something yucky because I know something better will come shortly. Thankfully January is almost over, which puts us just a little closer to spring, sunshine, warmth and longer days.

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