Saturday, December 08, 2007

Potty Time!!

We bought Anne a potty! Initially it was for Christmas but we are trying to be intentional about how many gifts she has. We did 4 last year and want to stick with four this year, possibly every year. (I thought 3 could represent the 3 wisemen and 1 could be from Santa.) Anyway, if we gave her the potty, that would be 7 gifts, putting a bunch of gifts in her stocking and I wanted to avoid that. So we decided to give her the potty early. She loves it! She loves sitting on it and every few minutes has to stand up and look at it. I am trying to explain to her that she can go pee pee in it but I'm not sure she gets that. She does sort of grunt while sitting on it so I think she might actually be trying to go, but we've only had her sit on it for a few minutes so far. I'm not going to push the potty thing at all, but I am hoping she might just get it on her own without too much prodding if we just have her sit on it a few minutes a day, which is fun for her to begin with. We'll see!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I guess the Elmo potty video I got her will go great with her new elmo potty. I will get it in the mail on monday. She can have it when you receive it since I already sent 2 wrapped ones for her.