Saturday, July 14, 2007

Auntie April

Well, first off let me say that I saw baby Andrina (or Andie) and she's beautiful! She is honestly one of the prettiest and best looking newborns I have ever seen. She could easily be a baby model. And as much as I love Anne and think she's the cutest thing ever, Andrina is without a doubt cuter than Anne was at birth. (Now mind you, I still think Anne is the cutest baby in the world and will probably never change my mind, so Andrina enjoy your cuteness reign while it lasts.) She has black hair the covers her entire head and is perfectly shaped into a Mohawk! She also has the longest little toes and super long finger nails. She's just a doll. (**Side note, how quickly we forget how tiny our babies once were. Anne was a whole pound lighter than Andrina yet I think Andrina looks like the smallest baby I have ever seen-how did I have a baby smaller than her for a whole month and not remember it?)

Now for the sad part, I have failed my first Auntie test. I forgot to bring my camera to take pictures of my new niece! (But I did remember to bring her present, do I get points for that?) Fortunately my sister (aka, Mommy) took some and as soon as she emails them to me I will post them. Hopefully I will get to see the baby again on Monday and remember my camera then!


Nicole said...

I can't wait to see the pictures! Congrats to your whole family on the new addition and congrats to you on becoming an aunt!!

Heather said...

Congratulations to Mommy, Auntie and Cousin Anne and the whole family!

Shellie said...

Thanks Auntie April, I could not agree more-Andrina has been beautiful since the moment she was born! Thanks to everyone who left congrats for us too! That's so sweet of you guys and I don't even really know you!