Tuesday, February 20, 2007

What takes a lifetime to make only takes a minute to destroy

We got probably 12-18 inches of snow over the past 2 weeks here in Chi-town. This sort of snow takes hours and hours to accumulate. The brunt of it we got last week where it snowed for probably 12 hours striaght. It was on all the news channels for a good 2 days. Starting yesterday we finally got temperatures higher than 32 degrees and the snow is melting like crazy. It is expected that over the course of today and tomorrow the snow will be completed melted as we are expecting a warm up to 40. I've attached some pictures below for those of you who don't live here and are wondering what this magical stuff is we call snow.

Note how long the icicles are in the two pictures below:

**Disclaimer-the picture of all the snow was taken after some of it had already started to melt and is not representative of the true amount of snow we got the past 2 weeks.

**Side note-once it hits 40 or 45 here, most of the native Chicagoians will go outside with only their long sleeved shirts on. It's a tradition we have every year-once it warms up at all, coats are gone! I can't wait-that's one of my favorite times! :)

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I couldn't believe that my car thermometer was reading 47 yesterday! Wahoo! I did not wear my jacket out to my home visits!