Sunday, February 18, 2007

Our little swimmer -or- You give 'em an inch...

Anne has a little bathtub called a "Cozy tub". It is basically an inflatable tub that fits snug in the big tub. This allows your baby to take a bath, without the infant tub, in a bit of a smaller space. Well, two baths ago, the inflatable tub gave out on us. I can't find the hole, but it's there and will no longer stay inflated. Without a new tub, I was left to put Anne in the big tub and hope for the best. Our little baby who had previously been so content to sit in one place, hold a toy, and splash, now saw freedom and took advantage of it! She crawled, tried to stand, moved about in circles, splashed like crazy, and basically lost it with all the freedom around her. It was all I could do to not let her drown every few seconds as she continually lost her balance with all her moving about. I've attached some pictures of our little swimmer below. Isn't she a cute one?

" can I get that duck?"

"Hi Mama!" (*Note the reflection.)

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I love the reflection picture!!