Sunday, January 05, 2014

Day 4

Yesterday I went grocery shopping.  I had the list I had made the day before and was DETERMINED to stick to it.  I have to say, I ALWAYS makes lists and I NEVER stick to them.  I get everything on the list and then some!  Its incredibly typical of me to get about 25% more than what was on the list.  Food is my downfall because it's *so easy* to justify buying it.

Yesterday I went to Jewel and Aldi.  I got the extra ingredients needed for meals plus a few other things to carry us through with lunches.  I only bought one item not on my list at both stores. A bag of 7 pears for only $1.50.  That was a great buy and my kids LOVE fruit.  The way I'm calculating money for groceries is about $50 a week.  For the weeks less than 7 days (the first week of the month and the last) I get $7 a day.  So this week I got $35 (my weeks end on Sunday).  I decided to advance next weeks money because of the massive snowfall we were getting tomorrow (which is now today) and the below zero temps on Monday.  I didn't want to take the kids out when I still needed ingredients.  So I had $85 to spend.  I spent only $10.10 at Jewel and $26.91 at Aldi.  So I still have $48 for this week if something comes up.  I will allow myself to roll over money but the ultimate goal is still not to spend money at all.  I'm pretty proud of myself!

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