Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Getting older

I've been reflecting the past few days or weeks on Anne and how she's getting older. I find myself, not reminiscent of her baby days or even wondering where time went but realizing that somehow this is where Anne was always meant to be. I know it sounds weird and it's really hard to describe, but somehow these other ages-newborn, infancy, toddlerhood, all of those ages didn't fit Anne. Somehow being almost 3 years old and almost to the next "stage" in her life of being a "Preschooler" (Instead of baby or toddler) seems to fit Anne so well and it seems like the past 2 years, 8 months, 2 weeks of her life we've been waiting for this time. I know, I know it sounds weird, but it's true. Anne has blossomed so very much the past few months. She's really turned into her own person with thoughts, ideas, opinions and the ability to express them. She has clear things she likes and dislikes and has clear things she wants to do or doesn't want to do. I love this age. Two has been the most fabulous age for us-I wonder if as I look back on her childhood this age will be the highlight or if it will get better and better?

And as we are about to add another person to this family unit, as we are about to take steps back into babyhood, I do not find myself-at all-missing or wish Anne was a baby again. I love so completely who she is right now in this very moment that I wouldn't go back for anything in the world.

1 comment:

Shellie said...

I'm so glad at how much you enjoy Anne. And btw, really cute clothes she's wearing in that pic ;-)