Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Four Things

My friend Amber sent me an email that had various questions that all required 4 answers. I thought it was fun, so I'm going to do it here.

Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. Lifeguard
2. Working park district classes with kids with special needs
3. Waitressing
4. Nannying

Four movies I would watch over and over (& no matter if they are on crappy TV and cut up):
1. Anne of Green Gables
2. Annie
3. Father of the Bride (one or 2)
4. ??? Lots more I'm sure...

Four places I have lived:
1. Schiller Park, IL
2. Bloomington, IL
3. Westmont, IL
4. Glen Ellyn, IL

Four TV Shows that I watch:
1. Biggest Loser
2. American Gladiators
3. The Office
4. The apprentice
...Only 4? I could easily name 4 more but these were on top of my head...

Four places I have been
1. Hawaii
2. Alaska
3. Florida
4. California

Four People who e-mail me (regularly):
1. My sister Shellie
2. Kate
3. John (does he count?)
4. ??? Again lots more but we go through spurts of emailing.

Four favorite things to eat:
1. Pizza (my 2 faves are Papa Johns and Home Run Inn)
2. Cheese
3. Soup (I wouldn't call it a favorite, but I've been eating quite a lot both because it's cold out and also because it's filling and low calorie.)
4. Mexican food (lately I've been liking spicier stuff) (And you know you were curious)

Four places I would rather be right now:
1. Somewhere warm
2. Somewhere sunny
3. At the beach on a sunny day
4. Taking a walk on a beautiful spring day

Four Things I am looking forward to this year:
1. Winter being over!!
2. Continuing to build my "base" of prayer and Bible reading and general time with God (that's another post)
4. Staying home full time

Hope you enjoyed that-I challenge you to do it too! It's fun!


Farrah said...

I just watched Father of the Bride 2 on TV the other night. I cried like a pathetic girl. it stirred up s much emotion being pregnant and all and just all the "stuff" in my head. It is a cute movie though.

Nicole said...

Anyone else notice that ALL the movies that you listed have characters with the name Anne???

Atwood-Family of FIVE said...

Part of the reason she is named Anne is because of Anne of Green Gables, which is quite possibly my favorite movie of all time. I also love Annie and didn't realize until just now that Father of the Bride-the bride is named Annie too! Funny!