Saturday, December 01, 2007

We were a nick of time too late

Today Anne was running around naked (SO CUTE!) after her bath. She went over to the potty and said "poo poo". And pointed. This means nothing because she love sitting on the potty and wiping herself without actually going. So I let her sit on the potty and wipe and then she was off again. A few seconds later I went to find her and saw her standing next to a pile of poo on the ground. I detect a potty seat in Anne's Christmas stocking?


Anonymous said...

Hey even though I just mailed off a package for anne, Today I saw an Elmo potty DVD and had to get it for her, so I will mail that one off soon....Let me know when you get the packages.

ElanorLayne said...

YAYAYAYAY! That's really great!