Wednesday, November 28, 2007

If you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours

Since our playgroup on Monday this week, I've been working hard to teach Anne new things. (Okay, there is a boy in the group who is only one month older than Anne and he can count and spell his name!! Anne's gotta get a move on!) I'm grateful I went to playgroup on Monday and was able to see how some of the kids are farther along than Anne in certain areas because it really convicted me to spend more time with her and to actually do things with her rather than just watch her play. We've been working on counting so far and now when I say to Anne "Let's count!" she holds up one little tiny finger and says "One...". I've been trying to get her to say two but when I ask her, she just says "One...". Cute. But at least I've been trying to be significantly more involved with her learning.

The thing that Anne has been teaching me is pretty neat too. Since I have a kid who knows nothing about anything, I have to teach her everything. For instance, last night while we were driving, I was pointing out the lights and trying to figure out how to explain why we hang Christmas lights. This was great for me, because it made me stop and take a second to appreciate the meaning behind the lights rather than just enjoying them. (If you're wondering, I told her that we hang lights because it's Jesus' birthday and we are telling Him happy birthday but we are also so happy that He came to Earth and we put out lights to show both those things.) I'm trying to teach her to say "Happy Birthday Jesus!" but so far she just says "Happy! Jesus!" Cute, right??

1 comment:

Erica said...

Happy Jesus is very sweet! She's getting it in her own little way. Isn't it great how having kids makes us think through things? Sometimes I feel so ignorant, but it makes me want to figure it out.

As for Anne being "behind," is she really? I remember everyone was freaked out that Julie knew the alphabet at 2 years old, like it was a bad sign. Anyway, enjoy your little girl because she won't be so little for long!