Thursday, October 11, 2007

This is gonna make Grandma's head roll, but...

...Maybe we should stick with one kid.

Ok Bonnie, pick up your jaw and stop shouting at the computer. I can't hear you! We would never have just one kid, but today it struck me how awesome Anne is. We were going to the store and she started to walk around to the other side of the car. All I had to do was tell her, in word, not showing her, to come to the other side and like a good little girl she did! She also helped me put laundry in the dryer and loved it as well as carried in a bag from Walmart and put it down exactly where I told her. Today during lunch and snacks, she would try and feed me and then laugh as she pulled it away and stuffed the food in her own mouth. When we practiced our trick or treating a few minutes ago, I had to take the candy away and put it back. She screamed, ran away, and bent down to the ground and that was it. That was her entire tanrum. It lasted maybe 4 seconds. How can we possibly produce another kid as great as this? Anne is one of a kind. I know that I will love another child just as much, but right now I can't imagine that. I love Anne so very much it's like asking me to love my friend's kid as much as Anne. It's unfathomable. It seems not only impossible, but wrong. Like I'm somehow cheating on Anne just thinking about loving someone else. Like I'm going to hurt her deeply if someone else comes in and I have to share my love. Not only that, I don't want to love someone else. I don't want to hurt her and my love for her is so complete I have no desire to love someone else. Again, I know these things will change as soon as I see my second child (NOT in 9 months Bonnie, don't read into this!), but intellectually I can't wrap my head around it. What is the next kid is harder to deal with? Anne is so even tempered and easy, what if I have a kid that in no way listens to me? When I ask him/her to carry in a bag from Walmart at 17 months he/she scream and throws himself down on the floor? What if I get a kid like that? How can I deal with that after having Anne. Is there a formula for getting 2 great kids in a row? Fortunately, John and I are about to enter into the NO BABY ZONE for the next 6 months and even if we wanted to get pregnant, we would refrain because I can't have a baby born in winter due to PPD. So at least for the next 6 months I won't have to worry about answering these questions.


goofy-grandma said...

Anne is a beautiful, fun & loving sweetie!
Both John & Brenda had their good times and their "Me" times that they were not obedient children. they were both different, but yet so much the same. They got along better growing up than any other siblings that I have known. They were friends and brother and sister. I can't fill one hand with the few times that they didn't get along. They were wonderful children and I loved & still love being a mother & yes, now grandmother to three beautiful grandchildren. I have truly been blessed! As Christians, you two should have an easier time raising children the way that the Lord says in His Word.

ElanorLayne said...

April, I know exactly how you feel. I have so much to respond to you that I'll email you instead.

Shellie said...

Wow, I have been thinking the same thing! We must be sisters! Although Andrina is only 3 months old and we're at the beginning of our relationship, she is such an EASY baby to care for overall. I totally believe that I won the baby jackpot with her and there's no way another baby could be as wonderful (sweet, cute, beautiful, easy to care for) as she is! I know how you feel!