Friday, October 05, 2007

Can you believe it?

I was looking at pictures the other day and I swear to you, I don't even recognize Anne as a baby. I cannot really remember what she was like. Oh yes, I remember the general time and I remember a few specific incidences with crystal clarity, but for the most part it's like looking back on it with near sighted vision. To illustrate what I mean, here's a picture of Anne from today and a picture of her almost exactly a year ago. I can see similarities, but I have a hard time believing that's my daughter.

You've gotta admit though, she's probably the cutest baby that ever lived...and the cutest that biased?


ElanorLayne said...

What a cutie-pie baby! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BTW!!!!!! We've been hosting out-of-town guests for awhile and I just haven't been on my computer much. Did you eventually get to feeling better? Because I am always looking for the bright side of things (annoying as that can get), I was just thinking that your stomach bugs might have been helpful in your whole detox program. . . *sigh*

Heather said...

oh..super cute!