Monday, July 30, 2007

Anne is 15 months old today

Today Anne is 15 months old. This seems hard to believe. I feel like she was just celebrating her birthday the other weekend. She is getting to be quite the little toddler lately. Just in the past week she has learned lots of new things. She is starting to learn to run, she points at different things, she knows to bend down to see underneath objects, and most impressive, she can actually lead us or show us what she wants rather than just signing "more" over and over. The other day she kept signing more to me. Usually that means she wants food or drink. There was nothing around me that was food or drink so I was confused at what she wanted. I kept asking her what she wanted more of. After a few moments, she walked into the kitchen, stood under her cup (which was on the counter above her) and while looking up at it, signed more. I was very impressed.

Anne still isn't talking much at all. She says mama, dada, ducky (which as evolved from just "Da" to "Da De"), thank you, and possibly more. For that she says "Mo" which could mean "more", "mine" or "no". I'm not entirely sure the meaning of "mo" yet but I think it's usually more. Anne also discovered singing a month ago and goes around the house "singing" the ABC's, Twinkle, Twinkle, and Ba Ba Black sheep all day long. It's kind of a cross between singing and humming.

For those of you who know Anne, you know that her best friend in the world is Ducky. John and I joke that if she had ducky and an endless bottle of milk she'd survive forever on her own just fine. Recently I think Anne is adding a new best friend: a stuffed, no thrills Elmo from the late 80s that was either mine or my sister's as a child. Don't ask me how or why she is attracted to Elmo, as she doesn't watch TV hardly ever, but she is.

Here are 2 pictures of my growing girl. Enjoy!

Anne posed in her chair for her 15 month photo

Anne (and Ducky's) new companion

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