Friday, February 09, 2007

Anne's first sign!

For the past three months I have been working with Anne to try and teach her baby sign language. This morning over breakfast she signed her first, purposeful sign, asking for "more" banana. (The sign for "more" is bringing your hands and fingers together.) Anne does the sign at the end of the video, so keep watching and until she does it enjoy her cuteness as she feeds herself!


Nicole said...

Yay Anne!! :)

Heather said...

Oh! She's such a big girl now! Good signing Anne!

I also love her Yummy food song while she eats. Juliette used to do that too "nnnn, mmmmmm,nnnnn, mmmmm." Cuteness!

I love the gymboree photos!

It's amazing to see her growing and learning so much.